The Division of Student Support and Federal Programs administers and supervises State and federal education programs for economically and socially disadvantaged children; programs and services that facilitate the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of all students; programs that promote positive student behavior; programs that develop safe and orderly environments conducive to learning; and programs that facilitate the engagement of students in activities that develop character and civic responsibility.
The Division also provides the lead on the development of policy and plans related to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and supports programs to ease the educational transition of military children.
The Student Services and Strategic Planning Branch (SSSP) is responsible for providing leadership and technical assistance to local education agencies with the implementation of programs and initiatives to facilitate the emotional, mental, social, and physical health of all students.
The Office of School Innovations oversees the Maryland Charter Schools Program, The SEED School of Maryland, and supports the charter liaisons in each Local Education Agency (LEA).
The purpose of Title I is to provide all children with significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education and to close educational achievement gaps.
Youth development is a philosophy and approach of working with youth that recognizes that: there are multiple domains of development that are all interconnected; all young people have strengths and abilities; and they are active agents in their own growth and development process.