4300 Sidehill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21229
County: Baltimore City
Grades: K - 8 (adding a grade per year, started with K-1 & 6)
Phone: 410-291-2440
Principal: Dr. Bertrand Tchoumi
School # 0385
What makes us unique?
Baltimore International Academy West (BIAW) is a premier multilingual immersion program in Baltimore city. It is one of two school that combines language immersion with International Baccalaureate (IB) framework to prepare minority students to become global leaders ready to navigate and negotiate an ever-changing world. All our core content areas are delivered in a target language and they are aligned with the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards (MCCRS) as well as the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) World Readiness Standards. Our students are well-rounded bilingual and biliterate citizens.
- Monthly meetings with PTO
- PTO involved in fundraising and students’ activities (Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, dance…)
- Opened doors to prospective parents to visit classrooms and invitation to information sessions
- Offering learning opportunities to parents through workshop
- Regular communications via email, text messages, robot call or newsletter
- Partnership with local community organizations such as Beyond the Natural Foundation (BTNF); Illstyle & Peace Productions, churches, Maryland Food Bank, Edmonson village association
- Partnership with local political leaders
Mission and Vision:
Baltimore International Academy is committed to providing an academically rigorous, internationally orientated and socially responsible learning environment that challenges all students to achieve. Our programs provide a culturally and linguistically diverse education to help our students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate responsibly in a changing world.
- Advisory / Assembly
- After School Programs
- Before and After Care
- Community School / Food Bank
- Cultural and Linguistic Celebrations
- Dress Code
- Extracurricular Activities
- International Baccalaureate
- Language Immersion
- Portfolio Evaluations (IB)
- Student Service
- Summer Programs
Lottery Preferences:
- Siblings of current students
- Teachers and staff
Principal's Message:
I am most proud of my school community when…
In less than three months of instruction, I see little kindergarten students speak a foreign language with the native accent as if they grew up in the country where the language is primarily spoken. BIA West is where the magic of language acquisition happens.