6900 Ames St, Morningside, MD 20746
Prince George's County
Grades: K - 8
Principal: Sara Cypress
School # 1522
What makes us unique:
Our educational philosophy is grounded in the belief that the content of what children learn is very important and that it is inadequate to focus primarily on teaching skills and techniques to pass tests. In order to help children thrive academically, learning must go beyond skill acquisition to the mastery of content that provides them with the ability to apply what they learn to new situations, solve problems, and create new ideas. This depth of understanding leads to a love of learning and an ability to independently develop innovative solutions to problems and create new knowledge.
Our curriculum is based on Common Core and Core Knowledge, with the staff meeting those standards using a variety of instructional programs. Common Core Standards are posted each day in "kid" friendly terms.
- Reading is taught with the Balanced Literacy approach using the Journeys (K-5)/Collections (6-8) reading program.
- Eureka Math is the new math program that is being implemented schoolwide.
- Science and Social Studies are taught through project based learning models.
- Differentiated instruction, which is built into the instructional program for all scholars to challenge every scholar at their individual performance level.
- Response to instruction and intervention (RTI2), which is implemented school-wide during our Success Time block with Do the Math/Now and Leveled Literacy Intervention programs.
- Field Trips aligned to classroom learning are strongly encouraged!
- We are a new MicroSociety school which allows school to operate as society, a thriving, modern-day, mini-metropolis -- complete with a government center, entrepreneurial hub, non-profit organizations, consumer marketplace, University and community gathering spaces -- created and managed by students and facilitated by teachers and community mentors. It is the place where students are empowered to disrupt the status quo. It is learning at the highest end of Bloom's Taxonomy learning objectives -- application, synthesis, analysis and creativity. Student responsibilities and activities occur within seven MicroSociety Strands, each intentionally designed to connect societal activity and real world endeavors to standards-correlated academic content while making school relevant to kids' lives. Contrary to traditional academic disciplines which have no immediate application to daily life, the Strands -- Technology, Economy, Academy, Citizenship and Government, Humanities and the Arts and HEART -- are based on the professions and create a practical relationship between knowledge and experience.
- Afterschool Clubs/Sports: Basketball, Cheerleading, Step Squad, Band, Choir, Advanced Reading Challenge, Math 24, Green School, Creative Writing, Running, Drama and Student Government Association.
Vision and Mission:
Within our MicroSociety, we provide rigorous learning experiences in a restorative environment to prepare scholars for 21st century citizenship.
Establish: Imagine Foundations at Morningside's mission is to establish a restorative environment where all stakeholders live our Shared Values.
Equip: We are committed to creating daily opportunities for our scholars to explore Justice through rigorous, differentiated learning.
Engage: In the spirit of Fun, scholars will lead their learning and engage in 21st century experience within our MicroSociety.
Evaluate: Scholars' academic success is measured by the assessment of skills needed to be college and career ready in the 21st century.
- Advisory
- After School Programs
- College Preparatory
- Dress Code
- Experiential Learning/Project Based
- Student Service
Lottery preferences:
- Siblings of current students
- Teachers and staff
Principal's Message:
At Imagine Morningside, we are committed to fostering a great learning culture, modeling character, and undoubtedly helping our scholars thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.