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This grant is intended to support the operating costs of approved Adult High School Pilot Programs (AHSP) in the State. The two approved AHSPs that operate in Maryland are Elev8 South Baltimore Adult High School and the Goodwill Excel Center. The purpose of the AHSP funding is to establish an alternative method for adults who did not graduate from high school to earn a high school diploma and potentially to earn postsecondary education credits and industry-recognized certification in an environment that meets the needs of the adult learner. The AHSP develops career pathways and equitable opportunities to ensure AHSP participants will have gained the ability to equip themselves with skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to pursue career pathways in high-growth industries.AHSP seeks to develop additional partnerships and collaborations with a network of community schools, workforce development organizations, colleges, and universities. These partnerships and collaborations are aligned to improve literacy skills, as well as abilities to perform specific job functions to move adult high school learners forward in their careers.
MSDE will hold customer service support sessions for Adult High School Pilot Program Grant applicants regarding the completion of the application. During this session, MSDE personnel will provide an overview of the grant funding, the requirements, and the application process. The sessions will be held on:
Wednesday, June 21, 202310:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.mVideo call link
Thursday, July 6, 202310:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Video call link
MSDE staff will also be available to provide technical assistance throughout the grant application process. Contact Susan Spinnato at with questions related to the Adult High School Pilot Program.This funding opportunity, including all attachments and updates, can be downloaded from the MSDE Office of Grants Administration and Compliance website.