Maryland's Career Clusters

​Maryland CTE programs of study are statewide model programs that are organized around career clusters.  The programs are designed to prepare high school students for the 21st Century's global economy and its rapidly changing workforce needs. All CTE programs are aligned to established academic and technical skill standards to ensure student preparation for college and careers. These programs also include work-based learning opportunities (e.g. internships, clinical experiences, or industry-mentored projects) tied to the student's area of interest. Upon completion of a Maryland CTE program of study, students also have the option to earn college credits and/or industry-recognized credentials such as certifications and licenses.

Arts, Media, and Communications

Arts, Media, and Communications

Business Management and Finance

Business Management and Finance

Construction and Development

Construction and Development

Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism

Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism

Environmental, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Environmental, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Health and Biosciences

Health and Biosciences

Human Resource Services

Human Resource Services

Information Technology

Information Technology

Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology

Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology

Transportation Technologies

Transportation Technologies

Career Research and Development

Career Research and Development

Apprenticeship Maryland

Apprenticeship Maryland